Enhancing Your Spring Garden with Rose Trees: Tips and Idea


What is it about tree roses that makes them so special, what is the story behind them, why are they tree roses? A tree rose is a rose bush that is essentially elevated on top of a “tree trunk” which puts the beauty closer to eуe level. Tree roses add an old-fashioned and сɩаѕѕіс feel to almost any garden. They add color, elegance, style, tradition and a sense of warmth to your outdoor space. Many varieties have a wonderful aroma and come in a variety of colors. Normally, roses do not grow naturally as a tree, they do not have a single trunk with a network of branches rising at the top, instead they grow as a multi-branched shrub. Tree roses are really artificial, they have been modified to grow in the shape of a tree. I will walk you through the process so you have a better appreciation and understanding of what a tree rose really is.

Is it a tree or is it a rose, maybe it’s both or not really? Most people know a tree as something that gets really tall, has lots of leaves, long branches and provides shade. A tree rose is not like a traditional tree but instead they are called standards. A standard is a shrub grafted or trained on an upright single trunk in the form of a tree. Most people call them tree roses, but they are really known as rose standards. This is how skinny on tree roses are.

A tree rose is created by grafting a long stem onto a hardy rootstock and then grafting a rose bush on top of the stem. Grafting is used to join parts from two or more plants so that they appear to grow as a single plant. Most types of roses can be used for this procedure. Below is some background information on tree roses.






















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